Deskripsi/Description 2022 2021*) 2020 2019 2018
Pendapatan/Revenues 9,065,210 10,012,880 7,956,238 8,353,365 7,443,905
Laba Kotor/Gross Profit 5,065,293 5,769,938 4,905,566 5,322,877 4,618,903
Laba Bersih tahun berjalan/Net Income for the year 2,244,174 2,629,530 1,871,028 2,352,529 1,605,621
Laba Bersih Diatribusikan Kepada/Net Income Attributable To:          
- Pemilik Entitas Induk/Owners of the Parent Entity
  2,056,400 2,430,208 1,747,519 2,233,316 1,531,395
- Kepentingan Non-Pengendali/Non-Controlling Interest 187,774 199,322 123,509 119,213 74,226
EBITDA   3,726,763 4,196,810 3,327,336 3,713,412 3,176,727
Jumlah Laba Komprehensif/Net comprehensive income 2,240,659 2,596,147 1,867,626 2,362,484 1,629,626
Jumlah Laba Komprehensif diatribusikan kepada/Net comprehensive income attributable to:          
- Pemilik Entitas Induk/Owners of the Parent Entity
  2,052,885 2,396,825 1,744,117 2,243,271 1,555,400
- Kepentingan Non-Pengendali/Non-Controlling Interest 187,774 199,322 123,509 119,213 74,226
EPS (dalam Rupiah)/EPS (in Rupiah) 155.47 183.72 138.03 179.82 120.03
Total Aset/Total Assets 22,421,559 20,874,784 18,923,235 17,836,430 16,339,552
Total Liabilitas/Total Liabilities
  2,512,819 3,116,819 4,461,328 5,310,928 5,697,247
Total Ekuitas/Total Equity 19,908,740 17,757,965 14,461,907 12,525,502 10,642,305

Rasio Keuangan/Key Financial Ratios 2022 2021*) 2020 2019 2018
Laba bersih terhadap aset (%)/Profit to assets (%) 9.2 11.6 9.2 12.5 9.4
Laba bersih terhadap ekuitas (%)/Profit to equity (%) 10.3 13.7 12.1 17.8 14.4
Laba bersih terhadap pendapatan (%)/Profit to revenues (%) 22.7 24.3 22.0 26.7 20.6
Aset lancar terhadap liabilitas lancar ratio (%)/Current ratio (%) 4.7 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.4
Jumlah liabilitas terhadap ekuitas (%)/Liabilities to equity ratio (%) 12.6 17.6 30.8 42.4 53.5
Jumlah liabilitas terhadap aset (%)/Liabilities to assets ratio (%) 11.2 14.9 23.6 29.8 34.9

*) Penyajian kembali / Restatement

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